Monday, February 21, 2011

Web 2.0 questions

1. In terms of advertisements and television shows appearing to be more "homegrown" and "amateurish", I believe that this issue will eventually disappear over time. I feel that technology is constantly getting more and more advanced everyday, and different forms of technology will become more affordable over time. Companies will be able to buy various devices to improve their appearance in the long run because technology easily becomes outdated and more and more affordable. I also feel that the people who are being hired at these agencies will become more tech savvy over time, because younger generations are much more able to use  technology more efficiently than other generations.

2. For me, the social media site that I use most often is definitely facebook. I use it so often because it is a way for me to stay connected to people from my hometown as well as share information with friends. The chat feature is something that is very attractive about the site because it makes it easy to talk to others instantaneously. I also enjoy the photo feature because it is a good way to organize my photos as well as view the photos of friends and family that I do not get to see often.
     I think that facebook is much more successful than myspace because is has a much broader user base. When myspace was at its height of popularity, it was predominately used by teenagers under the age of 20. Facebook started as a bit of a higher quality social media site with just college students, and then spread to both older and younger demographics. I definitely think facebook is here to stay because the company is constantly making improvements to make their site better. I also believe that the site is here to stay because it is a way to constantly be connected to the world around us, and has integrated with twitter and youtube to make it easier to use as well. According to the article "Facebook's future and why its here to stay" site founder, Mark Zuckerberg has managed to harness something real, our interpersonal connections, and give us a forum to digitally display and enhance them." This article bolsters the argument that facebook is in fact here to stay because of its innovative and competitive nature. ( )

3.  Transparency is extremely important in the online world. I feel this way because making things public as well as being open is much easier online than in person. Likewise, many mistakes  social media companies make are due to transparency and astroturfing. Companies who try to "make fake grass root blogs" are guilty of astroturfing according to an excerpt from Social Media and Web 2.0. Astroturfing is a tactic that could be used by politicians or companies in order dupe online users to use a product or become a follower of a certain politician.
    A perfect example of why  online transparency is important is the incident that occured with facebook  in 2009. When facebook changed many of their privacy settings and announced that they "owned" all parts of the site including the photos of their users, the company received much backlash. Also, facebook has also been accused of giving advertising agencies their users information when users click on certain links according to the article "Facebook takes its time, but responds to advertising privacy issues." ( ) Social media sites need to be very aware of transparency because of issues like this, because they can cause many problems for the company.

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